Blog posts

Proposal and objective

My general Ideas 410 capstone project is to make something that’s hopeful, through my own words and words from everything around me. Making it as colorful as possible and as feeling good in some form as possible. Let me experiment and maybe do it in an art form kinda way, or through some of the quotes i’ve heard throughout my entire life. The research problem I face though is what can be hopeful within a 2021 environment? Well there can be many things, various events i’ve seen throughout the past year have made me become hopeful towards a bigger and bolder tomorrow. While some events can feel messy to get into and contrast the issues at large, we can’t ignore them no matter how hard we try. But I’d like to put things into a better perspective, as things have felt like such a ride that I wanna bring things into a better feel with others.

Blog posts

Progress blog

So far i’m getting a good chunk of pics that work with the art i’m making hopefully presenting. This pic is a good start with all that.

Blog posts

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
