Blog posts

Progress blog part 6 (the long hauled update)

Hey there everyone its me Max Ruiz. Its kinda been a long while i updated here so i thought i could provide an update here for what i’m doing and i thought i’d give one heck on an update on this project as a whole and where it could or couldn’t do.
First: i’ve of course changed my overall capstone to being about the positives and negatives that Covid his had on various peoples lives. With it bringing out a ton of positive and more flowing workloads towards various things here and there. Which has provided a lot of material for me
and the physical aspect of it.
Second: I’ve gotten some very well thought through info from just around everyone and everything that i known about. Thus bringing together many a link and websites. Which has really helped me to bring together my thoughts and general feelings just from every last bit of this place.
Third: Preferably what i’d like to do for this website, is being able to post what i can. Along with making an effort to try to update the website with many a category and various other bits and pieces from the physical sets at large.

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