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Artist statement

I think my overall artist statement is to draw whatever i feel life drawing, along with doing whatever i feel like doing for my work. Because in general art relies a bit on a few things that keep it going up and then going down in some ways. I want to at least apply some of my art time for when I feel like there is something good for the story I’m making with it. So in many ways, I want to do art that’s casual and yet works in some form or another, that’s familiar to me and regardless if my work is either good or bad. It’s something I hope to achieve on my own and that’s a goal that’s kinda mundane to some. After all, some are gifted with art prowess and can do it with ease, but sometimes it takes a long while to master your art and do something that’s worthwhile. Thus I’m making  a statement for myself, as to just do art that is calm enough and works well enough for me in any situation I know of.

Now I accentuated these aspects for my artist statement as to show and give a few reasons as to why I wanted all of this. One reason comes from the fact that sometimes art can act as a whole different beast, when it comes to being thought of as a very messy and overwhelming hurdle for some people to cross and work upon for themselves. Another reason being that Art is always gonna have its critics and sometimes it will never lose or possibly distinguish itself from others. I want to generally throw those reasons out the window. Because I judge any and all art, by saying how it works towards what you want to become as an artist. Plus in terms of how you see your work from either your own thoughts or your heart and what makes it work towards yourself. That’s what my artist statement is all about and why I choose to make my art worthwhile.

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