
About statement

Thanks to Zoom, courses get taught; papers get written; business is transacted. For frequent flyers and committee veterans, the way that life has gone on has taught us that we spend too much time, hassle, and fossil fuel in putting bodies into metal containers and shuttling them across the city, country, or world when often the exchange of information is often just as easily accomplished with a screen and speakers.
(Sourced from Seeded amid the many surprises of COVID times, some unexpected positives by Li Mineo. Said by Steven Pinker.)
So what can be taught for something like this, is a journey into how we can see some of the very big changes that have come from this covid 19 pandemic overall. Sometimes it’s been for the good but almost 24/7, it has been a mess and the pandemic has made so much of life feel worse and worse. And that’s being shown ten fold with how the world is acting, reacting and just feeling like an absolute mess of itself.
So for this overall capstone project, there’s a chance to showcase a good lot of what I have today, and what I have gathered for information. Thus we have here a couple of colleges based on what’s been both positive and negative for people like me in these covid times. Some information was also taken from various people in class as well, so if your names and references come up within this, I’d like to really thank you for making this all worthwhile and helping me out when writing this essay and doing the capstone. A few reasons as to why this wanted to be made, is because of how much progress we’ve made over the years of covid and what’s gone down within that progress. For example, a good couple of sources that have come from a few news sites, found on my end. Which very much helps me because there has been a lot happening for the work and helped make things easy. A good lot of health and medical advancements have come along since the pandemic started, along with how various classes and so forth were embraced. Becoming various ways to help people during the pandemic and generally make things better for myself and many others.

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